– About me –
"The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can"
I can’t even count how many times stories have saved me.
……From when I was 6 and my favourite song was about a dwarf who lived in an enchanted garden, to being a lonely reader of Lord of the Rings at 15 – from which my first “serious” attempts at writing and creating characters bloomed – the magic of storytelling has been there for me.
……These magical realms were there to offer shelter when reality seemed too harsh and barren to my young introverted self, and by and by they inspired me to create my own. In school I was the strange kid who came to class carrying an A3 transport case full of anime fan art and would spend recess doodling and writing down ideas for my fantasy novel, The World of Zyathlis (very complex story, it had elves, holistic elementals, space ships, the works).

……I travelled through many an artistic realm since then. My never ending curiosity took me from drawing, etching and engraving and experimental ceramics in Brazil to figurative illustration and mask making in Italy, with stops in textile art, academic painting, and sculpture.
……All that experience now comes together in my mixed media practice, allowing me to delve deep into my favourite part of the process: experimentation. In my current home in Brittany – a beautiful land brimming with magic and stories – I feel more inspired than ever, letting the lush landscape and richness of the local legends seep into various aspects of my work.
……I invite you to join me in discovering stories new and old and finding delight in the physical manifestation of the extraordinary that is art.
I can’t even count how many times stories have saved me.
….From when I was 6 and my favourite song was about a dwarf who lived in an enchanted garden, to being a lonely reader of Lord of the Rings at 15 – from which my first “serious” attempts at writing and creating characters bloomed – the magic of storytelling has been there for me.
….These magical realms were there to offer shelter when reality seemed too harsh and barren to my young introverted self, and by and by they inspired me to create my own. In school I was the strange kid who came to class carrying an A3 transport case full of anime fan art and would spend recess doodling and writing down ideas for my fantasy novel, The World of Zyathlis (very complex story, it had elves, holistic elementals, space ships, the works).

……I travelled through many an artistic realm since then. My never ending curiosity took me from drawing, etching and engraving and experimental ceramics in Brazil to figurative illustration and mask making in Italy, with stops in textile art, academic painting, and sculpture.
……All that experience now comes together in my mixed media practice, allowing me to delve deep into my favourite part of the process: experimentation. In my current home in Brittany – a beautiful land brimming with magic and stories – I feel more inspired than ever, letting the lush landscape and richness of the local legends seep into various aspects of my work.
……I invite you to join me in discovering stories new and old and finding delight in the physical manifestation of the extraordinary that is art.
To follow along find me on Instagram, get some art inspiration in my Pinterest boards or through the songs in this Spotify playlist.
why Pinwydd
I was always collecting things I found on the floor around nature. One thing that I particularly love to find and bring back home are different types of pinecone (or things that look like pinecones, like dried Alder cones). Later on I also found out my birthday falls under the pine in the celtic tree calendar.
Seemed like too much coincidence to ignore. That plus my love for celtic languages led me to Pinwydd – pine tree in welsh.
My bibliography
Follow the links bellow to my Goodreads bookshelves